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Services and Pricing


  • Offer a large inventory of breast cancer PDOs to researchers.
  • Provide organoid storage in a monitored -150°C freezer with liquid nitrogen backup.
  • Training in organoid culture.
  • Perform compound screening assays.
  • Consultation for experimental design and data interpretation.


Service Price/unit Description
Organoid Storage $35/box Long-term storage for organoids
Patient-Derived Organoid (PDO)* $300/vial Distribute PDO to internal & external researchers for experimental use.
Scientist Time $80/hour Training and support
Cell Culture Unit $100/plate Maintenance of multi-well plate of PDO for 3 feedings/week
Compound Screening $1,500/plate Test compounds for toxicity and efficacy using PDOs.

Acknowledge ORC

Please acknowledge ORC support in all your publications.

“This research was supported in part by the University of Pittsburgh Organoid Research Core, RRID"